Articles for februari 2019

KD 671 added

Report KD 671 has been added to the menu KD-reports. The title of this report is: “Translation of parts of report R-668-A “Optimalisering van een windservo” (Optimizing of a wind servo) from Dutch into English. Ideas about the VIRYA-2B8″.

Report R-668-A of the Wind Energy Group of the University of Technology Eindhoven was already written in 1984 by the student J. Swinkels. I was one of his supervisors. As this report is no longer available, I thought that it is useful to translate the most important part of it and make it public again.

Report KD 671 gives the wind tunnel measurements for a wind servo for the most promising blade angle of 30° for seven different yaw angles. Chapter 4 gives correction for wind tunnel blockage for the rotor perpendicular to the wind. Chapter 5 describes the VIRYA-2B8 rotor which is about congruent to the measured wind tunnel model.

KD 670 reviewed

Report KD 670, in which the VIRYA-5.2 rotor is described, has been reviewed. Detailed drawings of the rotor have been added in appendix 3.

KD 670 added

Report KD 670 has been added to the list of public KD-reports. The title of this report is: “Calculations executed for the 3-bladed rotor of the grid connected VIRYA-5.2 windmill (lambda design = 6, Gö 711 airfoil, wooden blades) provided with the hinged side vane safety system”. An advantage of this windmill is that it uses a standard Chinese axial flux generator and so it isn’t necessary to build the generator.