Welcome to my new website

Up to recent, information about my engineering office Kragten Design, my VIRYA-windmills and my public KD-reports was given on my page on the website of Bidnetwork. However, Bidnetwork will be cancelled on 1 February 2015 and will be replaced by Bidx. So all the references to Bidnetwork on my folders and reports will become incorrect. So I have decided to create my own website and I have changed the documents such that now they refer to my own website and the concerning e-mail address. I have used the website programme WordPress and made the website myself using the nice book “Een website maken voor uw eigen bedrijf (2014, in Dutch)”. The three main menu’s of my new website are: Home, VIRYA-folders and KD-reports.

Information about my background is given at Home in: KD Folder 2015 and Curriculum vitae and in a You Tube film (in Dutch). At this moment 30 KD-reports can be copied for free directly from the menu KD-reports. Compared to the former list of reports on Bidnetwork, some new free KD-reports have been added. The manuals of the VIRYA-1.04 and the VIRYA-1.36 windmills can also be copied for free. However, the files of these manuals are rather big because they contain drawings of all parts. The manuals are therefore splitted in part 1 and part 2. The drawings of the VIRYA-1 axial flux generator, which is an alternative for the hubdynamo of the VIRYA-1.04, are given in report KD 574.

Adriaan Kragten