A photo of the VIRYA-0.98 rotor and the NEXUS hub dynamo has been added to the folder of the seven free VIRYA designs.
Articles for november 2017
Ideas about an ideal hub dynamo
The note: “Ideas about an ideal hub dynamo” is added to the menu “No wind energy”. This note describes a 10-pole hub dynamo of which the stator contains no iron and which has a 3-phase winding which is rectified. The dynamo therefore has no losses if the light isn’t burning. The torque isn’t fluctuating and the light isn’t flickering at low rotational speeds.
Ideeën over een ideale naafdynamo
De notitie “Ideeën over een ideale naafdynamo” is toegevoegd onder het menu “No wind energy”. In deze notitie wordt een 10-polige naafdynamo beschreven waarvan de stator geen ijzer bevat en die een 3-fasen wikkeling heeft die gelijkgericht wordt. De dynamo heeft daardoor geen verliezen als het licht niet aan staat. Het koppel fluctueert niet en het licht flikkert niet bij lage toerentallen.
KD 645 added
Report KD 645 is added. The title of this report is: “Ideas about a 10-pole, 3-phase permanent magnet generator with a stator without iron in the coils, using 20 neodymium magnets size 50 * 20 * 10 mm and a housing of an asynchronous motor with frame size 80”. The main difference in between this 10-pole PM-generator and the 8-pole PM-generator as described in report KD 644 is that the 10-pole PM-generator has a simpler 1-layer winding.
KD 480 replaced by KD 644
Report KD 480 is replaced by report KD 644. Report KD 644 has as title: “Ideas about an 8-pole, 3-phase permanent magnet generator with a stator without iron in the coils, using eight neodymium magnets size 80 * 20 * 10 mm and a housing of an asynchronous motor with frame size 71”. Although the magnet and copper costs of this generator are rather high, advantages are that the generator is completely closed, that it will have almost no sticking torque and that it will have a high efficiency because there are no iron losses and because there is enough space to use thick wires.