Articles for september 2024

KD 712 reviewed

A new chapter 8 has been added to report KD 712. The title of this new chapter is: “Ideas about a 40-pole generator with a 9-phase winding”. This generator make use of the housing of a 6-pole asynchronous motor frame size 132M.

KD 769 added

The new report KD 769 has been added at the menu KD-reports. The title of this report is: “Calculations executed for the 3-bladed rotor of the VIRYA-4.2B3 windmill (lambda design = 6.5, wooden constant chord blades) driving the PM-generator of Hefei Top Grand type TGET380-10KW-1200R for 24 V battery charging”. The rotor with wooden blades is an alternative for the rotor with stainless steel blades as described in report KD 733.

KD 733 reviewed

Two new chapters have been added to report KD 733 about the VIRYA-3.9 with tapered stainless steel blades. The title of chapter 9 is: “Use of a PM-generator of Hefei Top Grand type TGET380-10KW-1200R”. The title of chapter 10 is: “Determination of the Pmech-n and Pel-n curves for 26 V star”.