Articles for november 2022

KD 580 reviewed

A new chapter 7.4 has been added to report KD 580 about a small 34-pole PM-generator. The title of this chapter is: “Using a 6-pole stamping frame size 90 and an armature with 38 poles”.

KD 738 reviewed

A new chapter 7 has been added to report KD 738 about the VIRYA-6. The title of this chapter is: “Using of a resistance as load for heating”. It appears that switching from star to delta is a good way to make the rotor start at low wind speeds and to generate power at low wind speeds.

KD 377 reviewed

A new chapter 7 has been added to report KD 377 about the pendulum safety system already written in 2008. The title of this new chapter is: “Using a tension spring instead of balancing weights”.