Report KD 656 has been added to the menu KD-reports. The title of this report is: “Calculations executed for the 2-bladed rotor of the VIRYA-2.92 windmill (lambda design = 6, stainless steel tapered blades) driving the VIRYA-2.68 PM-generator for 24 V battery charging”.

Wind tunnel measurements of a similar rotor with tapered blades made out of a cylinder have already been performed in 1978. The measurements for a stainless steel rotor with a diameter of 1.8 m and with blades with a sheet thickness of 2 mm are given in report KD 616. This report has inspired me to design a bigger rotor using 3 mm stainless steel sheet for the blades and stainless steel strip size 150 * 6 mm for the connecting strip.