Report KD 669 has been added to the menu KD-reports. The tittle of this report is: “Calculations executed for the 2-bladed rotor of the VIRYA-1.75W windmill (lambda design = 7, wooden blades) with a Chinese axial flux generator of Hefei Top Grand model TGET165-0.15KW-500R used for 12 V battery charging”. This generator has been tested for some years in combination with the VIRYA-1.65 rotor with cambered stainless steel blades but this rotor appeared to be too noisy. It is expected that the VIRYA-1.75 rotor with wooden blades will be more silent and that the maximum power is higher because of the larger rotor diameter.

KD 669 contains detailed drawings of the rotor and the generator bracket. The head and the tower of the VIRYA-1.81 can be used. Photos of the drawings of head and tower are given in the manual part 2 of the VIRYA-1.81 which can be copied from my website. The big advantage of the VIRYA-1.75 is that no generator has to be built. The used generator has been measured (see KD 595) and can be ordered directly in China. The generator is of type axial flux but the housing is completely closed.