Report KD 679 has been added to the menu-KD reports. The tittle of this report is: “Development of an 8-pole, 3-phase axial flux permanent magnet generator for the VIRYA-1 windmill using a bicycle hub and 8 neodymium magnets size round 25 * 12 mm and a stator made out of galvanised steel sheet”. Report KD 679 replaces report KD 608 which is cancelled. Report KD 626 in which the VIRYA-1.25AF rotor is described is cancelled too because the matching in between rotor and generator isn’t good enough for the measured generator characteristics. The generator characteristics are given in report KD 678 which has been reviewed. Report KD 672 has been reviewed too. The extended specification and the folders of the free VIRYA designs which are given at the menu KD-folders have been reviewed too.